Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We must live our lives well

This weekend was bittersweet.
I have spent most days putting this weekend off, mainly just to not have to face the music. It was nice to get away with my BFF- my sister. She has been my rock through this, even though I know it is hard for her as well.
Our drive up was fun, we laughed and sang so loud I am pretty sure we both had no voices.
It is easy to get lost in the happy moments we were having...
Though we were having such a good time, the reality was we were up there to see our Nono...
He is sick, he has leukemia.
When we saw him he was all smiles, happy to see us.
You could tell that he is sick though, he is tired and thin.
But he is in good spirits and that makes me smile.
It is always so hard saying goodbye to him, I had not seen him in a year due to things that drove a wedge between us when my Noni passed away...
I realize now that it doesn't matter what 'Made me mad in the past'
what matters is that I need to make the best of what I have with him now. He is the only grandpa I have left and I know when it is time for him to go home that I will miss all of this.
So my only purpose of this post is to say:
 Live now, Live in the moment and never let things drive a wedge between you and the ones you love...
I do not want to end this post on a sad note...My grandpa is doing ok for now, I am just glad I was able to squash the past and make amends, because I love him....
 the weekend continued with some craziness, I mean this was a trip with my sister, the craziest person I know. 
We had some crazy moments: I will end this post with the following....
Do not smoke in your car and then open the sun roof.... You might get ash down your butt.... and burn a hole in your new $60.00 under armour jacket.... HAHA There are no pics of this but use your imagination!
Until next week,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Do you like surprises?

I am probably one of the only people that hates surprises.
They freak me out. Mainly because I am not in control of planning anything. I am a planner...

But this past week/weekend I was completely open minded and let my "Live Fearless Motto" take reign. Well... more like the boyfriend took the reigns.

I don't believe in Valentine's day. Well I least I used to not believe in it. But this year changed my entire out look on the Hallmark Holiday.

Thursday morning started off like any other morning.
       Alarm goes off...snooze...Alarm goes off again...BF rolls over...snooze...
Finally I get up...Climb over the BF... try not wake him.
       Shower, get out of shower, turn all the lights on to start my make up....

I see this.. complete sweetness. I honestly am so lucky... Then on top of this whole sweet gesture I get a Valentines Day Weekend planned out for me.
Again, another surprise... I have no idea where we are going, This makes me even more nervous. But I trust Mikey so, here we go down  101 south...4 hours later... we arrive at this beautiful location...
Absolutely gorgeous, my love did good! Such a romantic place. He even planned everything out on his own. He called every where and made sure every place we ate had a Gluten Free Menu !
He is truly amazing. I am starting to like these things they call surprises :)
If anyone is interested in seeing all the pics from our amazing get away, click the link below:
So tell me.... who else doesn't like surprises??


Thursday, February 9, 2012

I will try to fix you...

So this song has been stuck in my head for the past few days... Fix You...Coldplay

 I can't put into words how I am feeling but it is nearing the Avon walk for Breast Cancer-- Where I volunteer as an EMT in memory of my grandmother who lost her battle with Cancer. I too have experienced some scares but thankfully they are only scares. I go for my annual breast ultra sound in May. I continue to pray i come back with good news.

 Since a picture is a worth a thousand words i put together this slide show, you can check it out by clicking the link below.

Thanks for listening and feel free to check out my Avon Walk page through Facebook or Avon located at the bottom of this blog

<3God Bless